Monday, August 22, 2011

My "premiere" post

Hello fellow movie viewers, 

I'm a guy who likes to watch movies.  And lots of them.  I've been watching movies ever since I had a memory and haven't stopped since: from kids classics and Disney films with my family to developing my own tastes; from "Movie Fests" in my basement to raiding the cheap movie bins in video stores.  I like to watch any and all types of films; there's nothing I haven't been willing to give the old college try.  I've taken film studies classes in college and it only further spurred my enjoyment of the cinematic experience.  I've spent a lot of time trying to share my love of movies with those around me; giving recommendations to anyone who wanted them (and some who didn't) and debating what makes a movie good with anyone who listened (and some who tried not to).   

It is as a result of all of these people (the willing listeners and those I annoyed) that I decided to create a blog and share my opinions with the world around me.  My hope is that not only will I be able to express my views on a film, but also that others will feel free to express theirs as well.  I want an open debate and welcome all (appropriate) comments.  

Now, I'm not a "Top 10" list kind of guy, nor am I gonna ram my opinions down your gullet.  I'm simply gonna watch a movie, try to break it down, and express my views on it with the hopes of hearing others as well.  I have several things that I feel make a solid movie, and will discuss everything from acting and characters to lighting and filming techniques.  If you want to agree with me, awesome and I'll consider my ego stroked.  If you want to tell me I'm a moron and don't know a blockbuster hit from your crazy uncle's home video, feel free.  But reader beware (and warn your mothers) because I'll watch all types of movies and I calls em' like I sees em'.  If you have any movies you want my opinion on, feel free to request.  If I've seen it, I'll critique it and if not, I'll watch it.  

Movies are my passion and my primary source of entertainment.  I'm gonna take this seriously so I hope you will too.  Let's make the most out of this; I'll try and teach you something, and hopefully I'll learn a little in the process as well.  

Now ladies and gentlemen, without further adieu, I'd like to present to you.....   Payton's POV.    (that's me)


  1. Yay! Can't wait to read your reviews. Hopefully you like more movie endings than ever telling me about :)

  2. Yo, I'm excited to read what you have to say about various films. Way to share the passion.

  3. I am excited to read the reviews as well. As you know, we don't always see eye to eye on every movie, for example "be kind rewind", so it should be very entertaining.

  4. Bring on the reviews!

  5. Ah Yeah! Finally, something I want to read!!! WOOT Josh... This is George by the way...
